Atelerix algirus  (Lereboullet, 1842)
Main synonym = Erinaceus algirus    Lereboullet, 1842
Taxonomical Classification:  Animalia / Chordata / Mammalia / Insectivora / Erinaceidae
North African Hedgehog, Vagrant Hedgehog     Qanfud
Further Information:
This hedgehog is distributed in the North African region and hence it is believed to have been imported from there in the islands ofMalta. Its body spines are beige-gray while its head and tail are darker. The size varies between 18-30cm (incl. tail) and has a pointed snout, small round ears rigid spines that partly cover the head. This mammal has an acute sense of smell and hearing which are important during the nocturnal feeding and activity. It feeds on snails, slugs, insects, worms and small vertebrates such as frogs and lizards. It does not hibernate, but not shows very low active at temperatures below 20 degrees Celsius. Gestation lasts just over a month giving birth to 2-4 young between May and October. Moderately frequent in Malta, but reported to decrease. They often get kileld by vehicles when crossing roads that pass from rural areas.

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